
Welcome to my Blog.  I have meandered along my path as an educator and continue to develop the blog to provide myself and those I meet in Professional Communities that, like me, may want a repository of information as we blend brick and mortor classrooms with virtual classrooms and all which that encompasses.

How hard was it to get started?

Starting the process was actually surprisingly simple with the ease of Edublogs and WordPress! I am excited to be a member of the digital learning community and hope that this blog will be a bounteous place for students and educators alike.  I will continue to add resources and discussion topics as well as classroom musings and of course my opinions, politically correct or otherwise, for your reading and commenting pleasure.

I hope you will enjoy my musings on the process. I have embarked on this path in order to cultivate and master those skills necessary for effective teaching. However, I truly believe, as technology becomes more and more a part of the educational process, all teachers, whether virtual or face to face, should take advantage of all professional development opportunities. Better teachers, better students.